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2017-01-03    点击数:  
 索引号  00432748-1-30/2017-0907002  公开目录  公开目录
 发布机构  兰山区商务局  发布日期  2017-01-03
 成文日期  2017-01-03  效力状态  生效中
 公开方式  主动公开  文号 
 标题  魅力兰山—政策篇
索引号: 00432748-1-30/2017-0907002
发布机构: 兰山区商务局
公开目录: 部门文件
发布日期: 2017-01-03
成文日期: 2017-01-03
效力状态: 生效中


(一)优惠政策 Proferential Policies

1、 项目建设用地优惠政策

Preferential Policies for the Land of Project Implementation


In accordance with the nature of the project, the investment scale, the investment intensity and the income of the local government, the land of project implementation could be subsidized appropriately by the income fiscal.


New solely-owned industrial projects, high-tech projects at or above provincial level and overseas investment projects: Those which are subsidized 50% of the land revenue of the government should satisfy the following two conditions simultaneously: —1. having a fixed assets investment RMB50 million to RMB100 million or a registered capital above RMB5 million; 2. having an average investment intensity of 1 million yuan per mu, or a sum (as much as the land cost) for the local financial revenue within 3 years from the commencement.


Those which are subsidized 100% of the land revenue of the government should satisfy the following two conditions simultaneously—1. having a fixed assets investment RMB100 million to RMB300 million or a registered capital above RMB10 million; 2. having an average investment intensity of RMB1.5 million per mu, or a sum (as much as the land cost) for the local financial revenue within 4 years since the commencement.


Those which will be considered separately for more preferential venture support should have fixed assets investment above RMB300 million or a registered capital above RMB30 million.


New solely-owned projects of agricultural developments, business services and infrastructure: Those which will be given an appropriate concession for the land revenue of the government should have a fixed assets investment above RMB100 million or a registered capital above RMB10 million.


The projects mentioned above co-invested by foreign investors and local legal persons or local individuals: Relevant supports should be given in accordance with the proportion of the projects’ capital structures.


Preferential Policies for Tax and Finance


In accordance with the nature of the project, the investment scale, and the income of the local government, the new established projects could be subsidized appropriately by the income fiscal.


New established solely-owned industrial projects: Those with a fixed assets investment above RMB10 million or with an operating period of over 10 years may be subsidized 100% of the turnover of the local financial revenue in the first 2 years and 50% from the third to the fifth year. Those who merger, lease and purchase the original enterprises in the area may be subsidized 50% within 3 years for the part excluded the original enterprise’s tax of previous year.


New solely-owned projects of the agricultural developments, the business services and the infrastructure: Those which has a fixed assets investment above RMB10 million, may be subsidized 50% of the sum which is paid to the local financial revenue within 3 years since the commencement.


The projects which are subsidized with equivalent or deficiency payment according to the revenue of the parcel government may be subsidized 50% of the local government income within 3 years after they turn in as much as the land cost.


The projects mentioned above co-invested by foreign investors and the local legal persons or local individuals: Relevant supports should be given in accordance with the proportion of the projects’ capital structures.


If the enterprise of emerging industry has a main business income over RMB20 million, or pays tax over RMB 1 million whose amplitude is higher than the local level in the same industry, the enterprise will be rewarded 25% of local retained part of the tax. The emerging industry includes energy-conserving and environmental protective industry, new information technology industry, biological industry, high-end equipment manufacture, new energy industry, new material industry, new energy automobile industry. The enterprises which belong to the major provincial industries or fill the absence of local industrial chain will be awarded under the condition of a higher amplitude of tax payment of the local level as well as a business income over RMB 5 million.


If the project which belongs to emerging industries and has an investment over RMB200 million starts to work, the government will give 50% subsidy of the local retained part of the newly-increased business income tax.


The new high-tech industrialization project will be returned 100% of the local tax in the first three years, and 50% in the 4th and 5th years. Other non-taxable fees could be charged with minimum amount or reduced by local government according to concrete policies.


Preferential policies for administrative expenses

1、外来投资工业项目、省及省以上高新技术项目、境外投资项目应缴纳的政府非税收入,有幅度的按下限收取;无幅度的属于区政府非税收入减免审批权限范围内的,减半收取。Industrial projects of external investments, high-tech projects at or above provincial level and overseas investment projects turn in the administrative non-taxable income in accordance with the lower limits. With regard to the unlimited non-taxable expenses, the local government may halve the expenses within its authority.


The projects which have a fixed assets investment above RMB300 million, the industrial projects with a registered capital over RMB30 million, high-tech projects at or above provincial level and overseas investment projects will be considered separately for more preferential policies in administrative expenses.

(四)、中介人奖励Rewards to Investment Middleman


If the introduced industrial project begins factory operations within the set year,the middleman will be rewarded RMB 1million, RMB0.5 million, RMB0.2 million, RMB0.1 million and RMB0.05 million seperately corresponding to the foreign fixed assets (except land) of over RMB 1 billion, RMB 0.5 billion, RMB 0.2 billion, RMB 0.1 billion and RMB 0.05 billion. If the introduced agricultrual project has a foreign fixed assets of RMB30 million, the middleman will be rewarded 1% of the investment. The investment amount of urban infrastructure, business service, and cultrual-oriented tourist projects will be counted as 10 times of the annual tax to the local tax bureau.


If the project is listed in municipal key projects, the middleman could enjoy the policy for municipal middleman.

(二)准入政策 Access Policy

1、新增工业项目准入条件Access Policy for New Industry Project


The projects should reach the national, provincial and municipal requirements of the industrial investment and the industry structure.


The projects should apply advanced equipments, techniques or technologies reached or approched the national standard.


The projects should conform the plan of the eco-environment functional zone and the requirement of the environment bureau.


The projects should reach the standard of safe production

(5)投资者有实际用地需求并充分节约集约利用土地。 The investors have actual demand on land and could give the land optimal utilization.

(6)无特殊工艺要求的项目用地建设容积率达到 1.0,项目不得建设低于二层的厂房,鼓励企业建设三层以上厂房。

Except special techniques needed, , the workshop of the project should be no less than two floors, with the volume fraction of 1.0. Three and more floors are encouraged/advocated.

(7)国家级开发区 、省级开发区、一般工业集中区项目用地投资强度应分别达到 300 万元/亩、200 万元/亩、160 万元/亩,项目用地年均产值应分别达到 500 万元/亩、400 万元/亩、300 万元/亩,项目用地年均税收应分别达到 30 万元/亩、20 万元/亩、15 万元/亩。

The investment intensity should be RMB3 million/mu, RMB2 million/mu and RMB1.6 million/mu respectively for national development zone, provincial development zone and common industry concentrated area, with the annual output values RMB5 million/mu RMB4million/mu and RMB3 million/mu respectively and the annual taxation RMB0.3 million/mu, RMB0.2 million/mu and RMB1.5 million/mu.

(8)投资者应具有良好的资信。投资者需提交资质单位出具的资信证明,需融资的必须提交融资能力有效证明。The investor should have good credibility. The investor should submit the credibility certificate and valid certificate of the financing ability if needed.

(9)项目投资规模低于 3000 万元或单宗用地规模小于 10亩的工业建设项目,原则上不予单独供地。

In principle, the land is not separately ratified for the industrial project with the investment below RMB30 million or with the land demand below 10 mu.


Those projects that reach all items above and one item below could get the priortiy to be ratified under the same situation:

(1)投资者系国内外行业 500 强企业,且项目符合国家《产业结构调整指导目录》或《外商投资产业指导目录》鼓励类要求的。

The investors belong to top 500 enterprises in the industry at home or abroad, as well as the fostering part of Catalogue for the Guidance of Industry Restructuring or Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries.


The investors are high-tech enterprises to be given special aid by the nation or possess an intellectual property right with independent crucial technology in a certain invention project.

(3)符合国家有关规定的循环经济、清洁生产型项目。 The projects belong to the recycling economy and the clean production project classified by the nation.

(4)政府研究确定的重大项目。The major projects defined by the local government.

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